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September 15, 2015:

How many computers are there in Mr. Sommer's classroom?


First of all, what is a computer?

I know a desktop computer when I see one, and there are 38 desktop computers. Mr. Sommer also has a laptop computer, so there are at least 39 computers so far.


My answer must include items that work like a computer.

A computer is an electronic device that stores, processes and manipulates data!


What else in this classroom workz like a computer?


Does a cellphone work like a computer? How many have cellphones?

Is a smart phone a computer? How  many smartphones are there in the classroom?


October 6, 2015:


List as many computer-based communications mechanisms as you can.


I use Facebook messenger for my closest friends who keep me updated on their facebook posts. I also use email for virtually all other communications, including a recent mortgage application that I forwarded to my banker. In addition, it seems like phone conversations are a thing of the past. If I can’t text my wife, she prefers to talk personally later. Phone calls, I don’t think so!



October 20, 2015:


What is data? Facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis.

What do you think of when you hear the word data? Personal information, used by companies or schools to analyze  the background of somebody.

Where can data be found?

Where does data come from?

Describe the school's data about yo



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