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Caloric Calculator


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Here's the script for the caloric calculator. Copy and paste. Where does it go?


<head><title>Calorie Allowance</title><script type="text/javascript">function cc(){ var cneed; var fneed; var crneed; var pneed; var aneed; var fd; var age=parseInt(document.getElementById("age").value); var foot=parseInt(document.getElementById("foot").value); var inch=parseInt(document.getElementById("inch").value); var cm1=(inch*2.54); var cm2=(foot*30.48); var cm=cm1+cm2; var weight=parseInt(document.getElementById("weight").value); var loa=document.getElementById("loa").value; if(document.getElementById("gen").checked) { fd=66+(13.7*(weight/2.2))+(5*cm)-(6.8*age); } else { fd=655+(9.6*(weight/2.2))+(1.8*cm)-(4.7*age); } switch(loa) { case "1": cneed=fd*1.2; break; case "2": cneed=fd*1.375 break; case "3": cneed=fd*1.53; break; case "4": cneed=fd*1.725; break; case "5": cneed=fd*1.9; break; } cneed=Math.floor(cneed); fneed=Math.floor((cneed*0.25)/9); pneed=Math.floor((cneed*0.25)/4); crneed=Math.floor((cneed*0.25)/4); aneed=Math.floor((cneed*0.25)/7); document.getElementById("rc").innerHTML=" "+cneed+" per day"; document.getElementById("rf").innerHTML=" "+fneed+" grams per day"; document.getElementById("rp").innerHTML=" "+pneed+" grams per day"; document.getElementById("rh").innerHTML=" "+crneed+" grams per day"; document.getElementById("ra").innerHTML=" "+aneed+" grams per day";}function con(num){var hc=parseInt(num.value);var hi=hc/2.54;var hf=Math.floor(hi/12);var ri=Math.round(hi%12); if(hc>40 && hc<=210) { document.getElementById("foot").value=hf; }document.getElementById("inch").value=ri;}function hcon(){ var hf=parseInt(document.getElementById("foot").value); var hi=parseInt(document.getElementById("inch").value); var hc; hc=Math.round((hf*30.48)+(hi*2.54)); document.getElementById("cen").value=hc;}function cknum(event,num){var kc;if(window.event){ kc=event.keyCode;}else{ kc=event.which;}var a=num.value;if(kc==48){ if(a=="") { return false; } else { return true; }} if (kc!=8 && kc!=0){ if (kc<49||kc>57) { return false; }} } </script><!-- Script by --></head>

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